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  • Constantin Pehoiu Lecturer
  • Cristian Savu
  • Silviu Badea
  • Cristian Borida

Anahtar Kelimeler:

management, exercise, mental process, lesson.


The physiological effects of physical exercise on human body are relatively well known in literature, which describes in detail the changes that occur in the cardiovascular system, the respiratory one, in bones and other systems, both during exercise and after its delivery. However, the effects of exercise on mental processes are less treated. From the literature reviews discussed in this study, it can be detached the idea that we can not exactly say that physical exercise has beneficial effects on mental processes, but neither that it would have potentially negative effects. This uncertainty, reflected in the inability to indicate precise and unequivocal meaning, favorable-unfavorable physical effort in acting on mental processes, is a prime reason to undertake a study of the phenomenon influence effort administered physical education classes on the dynamics of mental processes like attention and memory.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Pehoiu, C., Savu, C., Badea, S., & Borida, C. (2022). STUDY ON THE INFLUENCE OF PHYSICAL EFFORT ON THE MENTAL PROCESSES OF PRETEEN STUDENTS. IjasJournal International Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology, 1(1). Geliş tarihi gönderen